Coffin Bell is a quarterly online journal of dark literature. Submissions now open–seeking poetry, flash fiction, short stories, creative nonfiction, essay, and short criticism that explore dark themes. We publish two themed and two unthemed issues per year, and a print annual anthology of highlights. 

Themes for 2024 are "Multiverses" (7.2), and "Queer, Feminist, and BIPOC Gothic" (7.4), going live 10/31/2024 and guest edited by Kirsten Imani Kasai, the author of The House of Erzulie (Shade Mountain Press, 2018), Ice Song (Del Rey, 2009) and Tattoo (Del  Rey, 2011). Her fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in  Transition, Arts & Letters, Existere Journal of Arts &  Literature, Drunk Monkeys, The Body Horror Book and The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. According  to Foreword Reviews, “Kirsten makes the macabre beautiful.” She is an  Assistant Professor of Popular Fiction at Emerson College. Find her  online at

Send us your literary darkness!

Submit up to five poems in one file.


Submit up to five poems in one document.

Submit 1-5 flashes in a single file
Submit 1-5 flashes in a single file
Coffin Bell Journal